Product name: 2-Butoxyethanol (Butyl glycol)
CAS No: 111-76-2
Molecular structure: C6H14O2
Relative density: 0.902g/ml
Properties: Transparent liquid
It is a solvent with high boiling point for paints and surface coatings,as well as cleaning products and inks. Products that contain 2-butoxyethanol include acrylic resin formulations,asphalt release agents,firefighting foam,leather protectors,oil spill dispersants,degreaser applications,photographic strip solutions,whiteboard and glass cleaners,liquid soaps,cosmetics,dry cleaning solutions,lacquers,varnishes,herbicides,latex paints,enamels,printing paste,and varnish removers,and silicone caulk.In the petroleum industry,it is a component of fracturing fluids, drilling stabilizers, and oil slick dispersants for both water-based and oil-based hydraulic fracturing.